Frequently Asked Questions

1. Need help? v
Please describe your problem; give a phone number and we will attempt to resolve your issue.
2. What is Eagle Track? v
Eagle Track is a online portal to assist housing agencies, local governments, landlords and management companies manage their deed restricted housing inventory compliance. We uptake information from the homeowner/tenant and sort, file and create summaries of information for the housing agency or local government to review to determine if a owner or tenant is in compliance with the requirements of their deed restrictions. We may also with permission gather information regarding your personal tax returns from the IRS.
3. Will I have to pay for using Eagle Track? v
No, we contract with your housing agency to provide this service for you to complete your compliance steps. Ther is no charge to you.
4. I can’t remember my password v
You can reset your password at the log in screen. You may log in 2-different ways. You may follow the link in the invite email you received or you may log in at Your username will be your email. Click the reset Password link and you will be sent a link to reset your password.
5. What information will Eagle Track collect? v
Eagle Track is NOT a consumer reporting agency. The only information we gather is what your housing agency requires you supply to prove compliance and that is limited to areas you provide information or give written consent to which may or may not include but is not limited to obtaining your federal tax return transcripts, employment status and history and recent paystubs, your credit report (via a soft pull which does not impact your credit score), and signed affirmation that you are complying with the terms of the deed restrictions governing your property. If you are self employed you may be asked to provide further details about your self employment.
If you are retired you may be asked to provide evidence of retirement and that you meet the other requirements stated in your deed restrictions, Depending on the legal requirements of your deed restriction you may be asked to do the following:
*List your employment and provide a paystub
*Consent to your employment being verified
*If your deed or initial application requires you submit credit report information you may be asked to authorize a full credit report at the time of application or ongoing to monitor mortgage payments; you will be asked to consent to us sharing it with your housing agency, property manager or landlord (it’s a soft pull and will not impact your credit score).
*Consent to obtain your personal or business tax transcripts from the IRS and to share the those with your housing agency/landlord or management company if tax documents are so required.
*Attest to your ongoing compliance with your deed restrictions.

Different jurisdictions have differing requirements and within each jurisdiction there may be different requirements for different properties. These requirements are outlined in the deed restriction document filed against your property or you may contact your housing agency, property manager or landlord to discuss.
6. Does Eagle Track decide if I am in compliance with my deed restrictions? v
No, Eagle Track and Eagle One Compliance Services does not make any judgment, decision or recommendation as to whether you are in compliance; we merely gather the information and organize it on behalf of the agency or firm that oversees your compliance. We do not perform or supply any form of background checks, not do we review criminal or court records, police reports. drivers license histories, or insurance claim histories.
Eagle Track also monitors public records for changes in ownership, pre-foreclosure actions and liens against your property and reports any status changes to your housing agencies.
Does Eagle Track sell or use any of my personal information?
Eagle Track does not sell your information per se; we do collect a fee from housing agencies we do deliver information that you supply or grant us permission to gather to the housing agency, landlord or management company overseeing your residence.
We absolutely do not sell or share any of your information to any other party unless we are required to by a valid court order or to comply with any statutory requirements imposed on us by State, Federal or local law or ordinance or to satisfy any other court order.
7. What is an IRS 8821 form? v
An IRS 8821 form is a form that allows your designee to obtain transcripts of your Federal income taxes for the years you specify. If your deed restriction requires you to submit your W-2’s or other tax documents it will now be handled by your signing the 8821 form and the information will be pulled directly from the IRS and supplied to your landlord; management company and housing agency as may be appropriate.

You may revoke your 8821 form by contacting Eagle One Compliance Services directly. The revocation must in in writing. Specifically state you are revoking your 8821 form, it must be signed and dated. You should email the signed document (note we cannot just accept an email per Federal regulations) as an attachment to: You may also mail it to Eagle One Compliance Services; PO Box 5223 Vail CO 81658. If mailed please allow 30-days for delivery and an effective date. Please include your contact information so we may confirm with you the receipt and termination of the permission.
Be aware that refusing to provide your Federal tax information may result in you violating your deed restrictions and may make you ineligible to continue to occupy your home. Please review your deed restrictions or lease and consult with your housing agency, management company or landlord for more details
8. Who runs Eagle Track? v
Eagle Track was built and operated by Eagle One Compliance Services, Inc in Vail CO. The President and Customer Experience Officer is Chris Neuswanger; a 45-year resident of Eagle County with long experience in dealing with deed restricted housing.

Drop us a line!

Contact us for a live demo of Eagle Track by giving us a call of filling out the below form.
